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3d Printable 


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All Models that are for sale and listed can be printed, where tested on simplyfy3d. Some files may need re scaling. 

A Smart Media shorts modeling shop

Smart Media shorts 3d Print Shop

As the owner and creative artist of Smart Media shorts I find myself wanting to experience all types of digital art from vector illustrations to 3d sculpturing. I currently use 2 programs to build my 3d models. The primary due to availabilty is the Ipad IOS forger, a great application for simple sculptures. These are the ones currently available on the site at this time. However I do plan on adding more, plus having some more complicated and detailed 3d art from a better platform called zbrush. These models will be sliced and made for any printer resin or fdm. 

Ios Forger STL models

Marvel Comic 3d Sculptures

Welcome to the Marvel Comic 3d Model Portion of the Smart Media shorts - 3d Market shop. I love comics most of my time is spent sketching Marvel and Dc characters for my friends and clients. So I thought I'd release a few sculpts I did on my IPad and PC. The IPad 3d Models are currently the only models available at the moment. 

Note any Zbrush built or Hi Res Model Will Be Priced Higher than Forger Sculptures.

DC Comic 3d Sculptures

Welcome to the DC Comic 3d Model Portion of the Smart Media shorts - 3d Market shop. I love comics most of my time is spent sketching Marvel and Dc characters for my friends and clients. So I thought I'd release a few sculpts I did on my IPad and PC. The IPad 3d Models are currently the only models available at the moment. 

Note any Zbrush built or Hi Res Model Will Be Priced Higher than Forger Sculptures.

Star Wars 3d Sculptures

Welcome to the Star Wars 3d Model Portion of the Smart Media shorts - 3d Market shop. I love comics most of my time is spent sketching Star Wars characters for my friends and clients. So I thought I'd release a few sculpts I did on my IPad and PC. The IPad 3d Models are currently the only models available at the moment. 

Note any Zbrush built or Hi Res Model Will Be Priced Higher than Forger Sculptures.

Anime 3d Sculptures

Welcome to the Anime 3d Model Portion of the Smart Media shorts - 3d Market shop. I love comics most of my time is spent sketching Anime for my friends and clients. So I thought I'd release a few sculpts I did on my IPad and PC. The IPad 3d Models are currently the only models available at the moment. 

Note any Zbrush built or Hi Res Model Will Be Priced Higher than Forger Sculptures.

No Models Currently Loaded

Science Fiction 3d Sculptures

Welcome to the Science Fiction 3d Model Portion of the Smart Media shorts - 3d Market shop. I love comics most of my time is spent sketching Science Fiction characters for my friends and clients. So I thought I'd release a few sculpts I did on my IPad and PC. The IPad 3d Models are currently the only models available at the moment. 

Note any Zbrush built or Hi Res Model Will Be Priced Higher than Forger Sculptures.

No Models Currently Loaded

Fantasy 3d Sculptures

Welcome to the Fantasy 3d Model Portion of the Smart Media shorts - 3d Market shop. I love comics most of my time is spent sketching Fantasy characters for my friends and clients. So I thought I'd release a few sculpts I did on my IPad and PC. The IPad 3d Models are currently the only models available at the moment. 

Note any Zbrush built or Hi Res Model Will Be Priced Higher than Forger Sculptures.

No Models Currently Loaded

GTPD: DIRE 13 3d Sculptures

Welcome to the GTPD: Dire 13 3d Model Portion of the Smart Media shorts - 3d Market shop. I love comics most of my time is spent sketching Marvel and Dc characters for my friends and clients. So I thought I'd release a few sculpts of a story that I created called GTPD: Dire 13. I did on my IPad and PC. The IPad 3d Models are currently the only models available at the moment. 

Note any Zbrush built or Hi Res Model Will Be Priced Higher than Forger Sculptures.

Smart Media shorts 3d Print Shop

More Models to come!

marvel comics
Dc Comics
Star Wars
Science Fiction
Smart Media Shorts
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